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Friday, January 9, 2009

Swallowtail Jig


Jean Marie said...

I am the first to leave a comment! :D How exciting. Stones, I am so pleased to see and hear you all become a band together, both as family, and as musicians....I love to hear you play, and to join in! This is a favorite song of mine, and I was just about jigging on my chair! Haha. God bless, ya'll.
3 Cheers for the Stone family band!
(I could write reviews for ya'll, haha!)
Amazed by God's grace,
Jean Marie

The Stone Family Band said...

Thanks, Jean!
The Lord really has been gracious to us, hasn't he?
You've been a wonderful encouragement to our family in this area and for that, we're so thankful!
I love you, dear friend!