What higher calling can there be than to serve our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? And what a better way to do that, for musicians, than to compose music focused on Him? Beautiful music that not only sings to the soul, but to the heart as well.

If one thing is to be noticed about the Stone Family Band's music, it is their unusual harmonies both vocal and instrumental. All being from one family, they have similar voices which makes their harmonies blend almost seamlessly.
After the loss of their son and brother, Isaac, back in 2007... the Stone family turned more attention to their music as a balm to their soul. They had always sang together in church, but had not really focused much on the instrumental aspects of their music. They officially started The Stone Family Band in Spring of 2008.
We pray that you are blessed by our music as we worship our God and King. Rejoice with us!
"I have known the Stone family for quite some time now and am privileged to be their Pastor. As a Pastor, music is very important to our worship whether in a formal service or just singing while driving in a car. The type of music that brings glory to God is paramount in any form of worship.
The Stone Family Band is extremely gifted in their musical abilities. More importantly, the music they play not only glorifies God but is doctrinally sound. In our day and age of entertainment oriented church services, it is a true blessing to be edified by the music and words that are the hallmarks of the Stone Family Band.
Of utmost importance is the godly lifestyle of those who purport to sing for the glory of the Lord. Beyond doubt, the Stones are a spiritual family designed according to scripture. Their testimony is impeccable and their ministry is exemplary.
We, as a church, are blessed to have them as members and privileged to hear their music on a regular basis. Any church would also be privileged and blessed to embrace this family and their ministry of music."
-Pastor Bob Dargie Ph. D.
"During my over 37 years of serving the Lord as a pastor, I have had the opportunity to have many singing groups in the churches that I have served as pastor. Many of them are known nationally. But none will bless you more than the Stone Family. They are a family that represent our dear Lord in a most honorable way. They believe and live what they sing. They will be a tremendous blessing to anyone who has the privilege of having them come and bless them with the gifts of music and testimony that the Lord has given them. I consider it an honor to recommend them to anyone without any hesitation."
-Pastor Gene Wilbanks
Mims, Florida
"Life's Rewards: I'll never forget the day that I first met the Stone Family. I did not hear them perform that day, yet for some reason I was drawn to them. I, being of Irish descent was intrigued by the fact that their music was Irish Celtic. In retrospect, I suppose that was the attraction to them. I was aware that Irish Celtic is the original "root" of a genre of music, that until recent years, was unique to America, Bluegrass. I was instrumental, through my association with Mr. Norman Adams, a successful promoter for many years of Bluegrass Festivals, in getting the Stone Family on stage at one of Mr. Adams big festivals. To say that they were very well received there is an understatement. The Stone Family's rendition of that beautiful ballad, Danny Boy, brought tears to the eyes of many people that heard it, including this writer. This was an open mic session at the festival. As they left the stage, they were besieged by fans asking if they had CDs of their music. A similar scene was repeated a few days later at a local Bluegrass jam session here in my local area. The harmonizing that occurs with the singing by this family, and the three young ladies and their mother is simply amazing. Blended with their love and devotion to Gospel music, this group of Irish Celtic is destined for success. The long time MC for Mr. Adams, at his festivals, Ms. Sherry Boyd, has agreed with me that the connection of Irish Celtic and Bluegrass should and must be re-established and re-affirmed. I believe "The Stone Family" is the natural connection. It is my hope and yes, expectation that upon seeing and hearing "The Stone Family" performance, you will be equally impressed with them."
-Frank Gheen (Ghehagan)
“The Stone Family Band has garnered that unique blend of beautiful family harmony genuine talent, and a deep love for acoustic music. Michael and Julia Stone with their three lovely daughters; Anna, Emily, and Olivia, are a delightful, fun-loving family who clearly enjoy being together and make no secret that God is their audience of one. They have accepted His gifts and gladly give their talent to bring all of their friends and “friends-to-be” along on their journey. The Stone Family is truly a breath of fresh air in these uncertain times. It’s very easy to become their fans and even to become their friends. Their videos do not begin to reflect the joy of their music and their personalities. Go see them in person. You’ll be glad you did.”
-Terry Stafford
City Point Station
"We were very pleased to have the Stone Family Band as special guest performers at the 9th Annual Florida State Bluegrass Festival here in Perry, Florida this past April. Their unique sound and flawless blend of harmonies were a pleasure to listen to. They were very sweet and pleasant to work with and are a band to keep an eye on, they are a very talented family. "
-Dawn V. Taylor, President
Taylor County Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Office